Laine Lawson Craft with Steve Craft

Start Again From Scratch

A No-Fail Recipe for Reviving Your Marriage



Friday Night: 7:00 p.m. – closing time (TBD by facilitator)

Laine and Steve will share their testimony in a smaller group setting to leadership and/or group leaders. This will be an intimate and safe setting to engage with Laine and Steve. They will guide the participants through the steps and provide practical application needed to revive marriages. There will be an anonymous Q&A session (questions will be submitted confidentially at the break) for Laine and Steve to answer personal questions about marriage issues and needs. These questions are designed to answer the participant’s personal marriage issues and/or answer questions about marriages for which they are concerned. This interactive Q&A is the most powerful part of the event, whereas, deep personal issues are addressed.

The suggested Friday night event time schedule is:

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Laine and Steve share and instruct
8:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. Break
8:45 p.m. – closing Anonymous Q&A segment

On Saturday morning, Laine and Steve will gather again to a community or church event offering a larger group of participants. They will share their testimony and set up the foundation for marriage restoration. It is suggested an onsite brown bag lunch is provided with fellowship time to assist with scheduling. Laine and Steve will continue to share steps and practical applications on how to move marriage through the restoration. In this closing session, Laine and Steve will help couples find resurrection power in areas of their marriages that they thought were dead.

The suggested Saturday morning/afternoon schedule is:

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Testimony and Foundation for Marriage Restoration
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Brown Bag Lunch
12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Additional Teaching and Closing

Cost: FREE- all that is required is travel payment and a good will offering at the close of each day session.



Laine and Steve will come to your community event or church event offering a larger group of participants. Steve and Laine will share their testimony and set up the basic foundation for marriage restoration. It is suggested an onsite brown bag lunch is provided with fellowship time to assist with scheduling. Laine and Steve will continue to share steps and practical applications on how to move marriage through the restoration. In this closing session, Laine and Steve will help couples find resurrection power in areas of their marriages that they thought were dead.

The anonymous Q&A sessions are designed to answer the participant’s personal marriage issues and/or answer questions about marriages for which they are concerned. This interactive Q&A is the most powerful part of the event, whereas, deep personal issues are addressed.

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Session 1
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lunch break
12:30 – closing Session 2

Cost: FREE – all that is required is travel expense and a good will offering at the close of the event.


This option is for both small and larger groups and is be held in Destin, Florida at the gulf coast of Florida. It offers couples a romantic getaway at the beach along with the Start Again from Scratch Event. The format is OPTION 1 but held at the beach location. Participants will mix the beach, sun, fun, and the event all in one weekend.

COST: Room and food for the participants. The charge from Laine and Steve is free. All that is required is a love offering at the end of each closing.